25. tammikuuta 2011



Today has been a perfect winter day. I woke up early in the morning from my parent’s couch. Took the train back to north and the air here was so cold and crisp. The snow was hard and noisy under my feet and the long waited sun was actually shining a bit. I got home, and decided to draw this before going to uni.

I find my self being a typical artist in that sense, that when I see something beautiful, peculiar or fascinating I just have to draw it to see more, to appreciate it more. So I touch it would be nice to share some of my findings with you guys from now on. This one is the first one. I hope you like it even thou it didn’t turn out to be as handsome as the original… oh well. I still have lot to learn.

So after I quickly sketched this, I had to practically run to the university because my bike was so frozen I couldn’t get it to move an inch.  I had to take the shortcut over the ice and thru the woods to make it in time. The thing I learned today was that pathways almost never go straight. They always go straight for a little while and then turn to some random angle that never is the one you want to go. If the scenery weren’t so beautiful and light, I probably wouldn’t have been in a so good mood after I finally got to uni.   It’s funny when your surroundings are so pretty that you just can’t possibly bring yourself to be in a bad mood at all.

I wish you a lot of beautiful winter days before spring so remember to enjoy them okay J

2 kommenttia:

  1. Tykkään kuvasta hirmusti! En tahdo oikeastaan päättää, kumpaa sukupuolta hän on, vaikka komeus-sanasta päätellen it's a he.

    Mie oikeesti luulin, että kikkailit vaan sanoilla, kunnes tajusin että uni ei oo sleep vaan university :D Amis mikä amis...

  2. Tähän väritystyyliin sopii hirveen hyvin sun rosoinen piirustustyyli. Simppelit väripinnat mut just se rososuus tuo hirveesti eloa ! Ja tykkään edelleen henkilön vaatteista 8)
